
Founded Tuesday, April 24, 2018
Club 215759 - District 1910 - Charter number

Gründungsdatum: 24.04.2018
Charterdatum: 30.06.2018
Patenclub: RC Vienna International
Gründungsbeauftragter: Amer Sheikh

Rotaract Club Vienna-International (RACVI) is a service club run by young women and men aged 18 to 30. It's a diverse team of young, dynamic and engaged students, entrepreneurs and employees from various industries, with international mindsets.

Although we are an international club, change begins at home. Therefore, the emphasis of our projects has been and will be on helping within the Austrian community, with a focus on children and education.

RACVI is part of Rotary International, and the first English-speaking Rotaract Club in Austria.


Active members 21
- Men 10
- Ladies 11
Paul Harris Fellow 0
Club guests 0
Honorary members 2
Other contacts 1


RAC Vienna-International

Cafe Restaurant Leto, Schwertgasse 3
1010 Wien